It’s cold and miserable up north. That’s why life’s better in Sun Country.


Every ad includes a necessity for life in Sun Country.



Everything from employee uniforms to counters to the aircraft themselves.




Ambient Concepts
We’ll troll Alaska Airlines….


Audio Player


…and assault the senses of commuters with live feeds of Sun Country destinations.


The worst part of cold, miserable weather is not being able to wear tropical clothes.
We’ll fix that.



Randomly-chosen passengers on select flights will receive a free apparel item of their choice.
They’re also available on an online storefront.



Beach Party
Grand Forks, North Dakota is the coldest place in the continental United States.



To give residents of the town a taste of what life is like in the destinations Sun Country serves, we’ll throw a massive beach party in the middle of downtown (with plenty of heat lamps).



Copywriter | David Hood

Art Director | David Hood